
The breakfast buffet at the Akihabara Washington Hotel is awesome!

all you can eat

The breakfast at Akihabara Washington Hotel is popular for its luxurious all-you-can-eat seafood buffet. Seafood such as red shrimp, salmon roe, and tuna are prepared daily, and you can enjoy a bowl of seafood. I was particularly impressed by the way the red shrimp shells were carefully handled. In addition to seafood, the restaurant also offers a wide variety of Japanese and Western dishes, such as stewed eggplant and thick-baked omelette, which are also homey tastes.

There is another popular section. You can enjoy all-you-can-eat Japanese roast beef. One serving of tender and juicy roast beef was not enough, and I had to have more several times. There are plenty of sauces and condiments to choose from, so you can enjoy eating it in different ways.

For dessert, pudding with sakekasu and French toast were popular. The pudding with sakekasu has a refreshing taste with a slight aroma of sakekasu. Shaved ice, available only during the summer season, was also available.

The French toast was soft and soaked in egg liquid, filling the mouth with a tender sweetness.

